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Tips to stay on track this Christmas


How to focus on your weight loss goal over the Christmas period.

Trying to lose weight over the holidays can be hard, especially with Christmas parties/nights out and the all-important Christmas dinner. So below are some quick and easy steps to help keep you on track.

  • Make sure to your 10k+ steps a day in. Go for a walk and take the family, friends, and pets with you (after all Christmas is about spending time with loved ones). But also 10k steps a day can equal up to 500kcals, over a week that’s 3500kcals! (Christmas dinner sorted)
  • Still do some sort of training, whether it’s weights or cardio. It’s easy to say “oh it’s Xmas I’ll take a day off” but think of the kcals you could have burnt, that can make the difference between being in a calorie deficit, maintenance or calorie surplus.
  • Swap some food/drink for lower kcal alternatives. One we would recommend are:
    • Normal cheddar cheese, to Light Cheddar (saves around 60kcals per 50g)
    • 2 bacon rasher, to 2 bacon medallions (saves around 90kcals, depending on type/brand)
    • Medium Latte from costa, to black coffee (saves around 197kcals, more if you have large and/or add syrups
    • Swap high kcals alcohol for clear sprites with a diet mixer
    • Fat-free products over full fat
    • More veg on your plate

Remember it’s about staying within your calories for the week, not the day. If you do overindulge one day/evening just make sure to cut calories back slightly for the rest of the week to make up for it, try cutting some starchy carbs back and eat more veg. Or get extra training done to level it out.

Don’t forget to join us again in the new year to kick your 2020 off and be fit for life.

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